Diagnosis in BC


Getting a diagnosis is the first step…..

“Diagnosis can be done through the British Columbia Autism Assessment Network (BCAAN) at no cost to the family, or privately for a fee. [You should] request a referral from your family doctor as soon as you recognize signs of ASD in your child. If your family doctor is not hearing your concerns, try listing them in writing and providing supporting documents from teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists, or an Infant Development Program Consultant. If your family doctor is still not on board, you will want to consider seeking out a new doctor who can refer you to a specialist as soon as possible. A timely diagnosis is so important because the earlier a child is diagnosed the faster he or she can begin a treatment program, and reach his or her full potential.

information from https://www.autismbc.ca/info/pre-diagnosis/


Wait-list times for BCAAN’s publicly funded teams can be long.

You can see the waitlist for a public (no cost) assessment by going to this website:


Private Diagnosis can be expensive, but will have shorter wait times. Some options (we don’t endorse):

Monarch House: https://www.monarchhouse.ca/asd-british-columbia


Able Developmental Clinic has several offices: https://www.ableclinic.ca/services-2/asd-assessment/


Dr. Gibbins in Vancouver: http://pathfinderclinic.ca/about.html An ASD assessment under 4 years of age is $2640, and 4 & over it is $3000. If they are over 6 and need both an ASD and a psychoeducational assessment, the cost is higher.


Dr. Rashmeen Nirmal: Office Address Suite 400 - 601 West Broadway Vancouver, V5Z 4C2 dr.rashmeen.nirmal@gmail.com. Phone (Other): (778) 846-2126

Approximately a 6 month waitlist when we called to ask on July 23rd 2020


Dr. Ramen Saggu: https://pacificaba.com/services/private-assessments/


Dr. Limbos: https://limboschildpsychology.com/autism-assessment-vancouver

cost is $2000 for under six and $3200 for over six (includes Psych Ed)


Dr. Raazhan Rae-Seebach: Dr.raeseebach@gmail.com 778-875-0053

Aurora Developmental Services. #201-1037 West Broadway., Vancouver, BC. V6H 1E3. Approximately a 6 month wait.


Dr. Alexandra Carter (Registered Psychologist). info@drcarter.ca 6047194808. https://drcarter.ca

3701 Hastings St, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H6


Fraser Developmental Clinic. http://fraserdevelopmental.ca/referral-for-assessment/

Suite #261 – 610 Sixth St, New Westminster, BC V3L 3C2


Dr. Sharon Arnold

610-220 Brew Street. Port Moody, BC, V3H 0H6. Phone (Work): 604.492.1699

Bring your paper work to the CYSN office

Once you have your paperwork in your hands, you will bring it to the local Child and Youth Special Needs office. In Maple Ridge, this is located at unit 200 22420 Dewdney Trunk Road. The social worker there will submit your reports to the Autism Funding Unit. The Funding Unit (AFU) will send you two documents in the mail that you will need to sign and mail back. This means you are now in the system and ready to start!